British Mountain Bike Leader Awards

British Cycling’s Award Scheme: British Mountain Bike Leader Award

For more than 10 years, Cycle Wild Scotland was the biggest independent provider of Scottish Cycling’s Mountain Bike Leader awards.  Now that SC has harmonised with British Cycling, Cycle Wild Scotland provides all three levels of the new UK-wide scheme and will also provide the Night Leader award.  There are currently three levels of qualification for mountain bikers who want to lead groups or individuals: the Fundamentals of MTB Leadership, Level 2 and Level 3 are for those wanting to work or volunteer as a mtb leader and share their passion for mountain biking with others.

The Fundamentals of MTB Leadership

A brand new British Cycling MTB qualification, the Fundamentals of Leadership is the ideal qualification for riders of 16 and over who want to learn how to lead but feel they are not ready for the Level 2 MTB Leadership award.

Check out our Fundamentals course dates here

For more information about please contact us.

Level 2 MTB Leadership Award

British Cycling’s Level 2 Mountain Bike Leadership Award gives mountain bikers the skills and knowledge to safely guide riders in mountainous terrain and provide them with a great trip or day out.

The award is ideal for anyone with experience in mountain biking who is working in the outdoor sector (or wants to), for teachers, club helpers or youth leaders, or those with a personal interest in going out on their mountain bike, being safe and having more fun.

Level 2 award holders work in the UK and all over the world for mountain bike parks, schools, outdoor centres and holiday companies.

For more information go to our dedicated Level 2 page.

To see our scheduled courses have a look at our Course Dates.

If you would like us to run a tailor-made course for your group, for more information and a quotation contact us.

Level 3 MTB Leadership Award

The Level 3 Mountain Bike Leadership Award is aimed at highly experienced mountain bike leaders looking to lead groups and individuals in wilder, remoter and/or more technical terrain than the Level 2/TCL award remit allows.

It is the most up-to-date and appropriate guiding qualification in the UK for technical riding.

Level 3 award holders work all over the world, often for high-end guiding companies, taking groups on adventures in the world’s high mountain ranges and wildernesses.

For more information go to our dedicated Level 3 page.

To see our scheduled courses have a look at our Course Dates.

If you would like us to run a tailor-made course for your group, for more information and a quotation contact us..

To make a booking or ask any questions about the BMBLA, call or email us on 07547181595 /